Product Guide: Walkers


A walker is intended to help an individual remain mobile by providing assistance in walking. It accomplishes this purpose by transferring some of the functions normally performed by the legs and feet to the arms and hands. The most important of these functions is usually weight bearing, but others include balance as well as standing or walking stability.

If the walker was delivered to your home by our representative or if you personally picked it up from our store, our representative can adjust it properly to your height. If a friend or family member picked it up for you, it is important to adjust it to the proper height before using it.


The height of the hand grips should be such that it provides a slight bend in the elbow when you are standing straight and holding the hand grip. A 20 to 30 degree bend in the elbow is usually considered desirable. This can easily be achieved if you can safely stand a few moments, look straight ahead with your shoulders squared and your arms hanging relaxed at your sides. While you maintain this position, a family member or friend should adjust the height of your four walker legs to place the height of the hand grips slightly above your wrists.

DO NOT ATTEMPT TO STAND IF YOU CANNOT DO SO SAFELY. You may have to approximate the height of the walker until a later time when a more accurate fitting can be accomplished safely. After making the height adjustment, check carefully to ensure that all four legs are securely in the selected position.


If you have had the benefit of instruction by your physician or physical therapist follow their instructions carefully.

If you are using a walker for the first time it is advisable to have someone present who can provide assistance until you become familiar with its use.

You should follow slightly behind the walker, taking care not to step all the way into the front of the walker frame. Doing so could result in the loss of balance or the tendency to fall forward. Instead, you should lift the walker and place it forward so that the rear legs are a few inches ahead. You should then step forward so that your legs are about even with the rear of the walker. This procedure keeps the walker steadily ahead, providing four stable legs on which to lean, if necessary.